
Tasa de Reciprocidad

AUSTRALIAN citizens: The collection of "reciprocity fee" has been suspended from July 1st, 2017:

From July 1st., 2017 the "Reciprocity Fee" will no longer be required for Australian Citizens to enter Argentina (Disposition 3908-E/2017 of the National Immigration Agency):



US citizens: It has been suspended the collection of "reciprocity fee" to US citizens traveling to Argentina. The measure is effective from 2016/03/24.



Nationals of Canada traveling on tourism (holding ordinary passports), have to pay an entrance reciprocity fee. This includes Canadian citizens who have obtained a regular residence in any Mercosur or Associate country and who hold any of the valid travel documents mentioned in the ACUERDO SOBRE DOCUMENTOS DE VIAJE DE LOS ESTADOS PARTE DEL MERCOSUR Y ESTADOS ASOCIADOS (Decisión DMC Nº 18/08).

This fee doesn´t apply to:

- Argentine nationals who are also citizens of Canada, presenting passports of Canada at Immigration control.
- Holders of Canadian ordinary passports, in transit or on-ward travelling.
- Holders of Canadian ordinary passports who have a valid residence in Argentina.
- Holders of Canadian ordinary passports who have previously been granted a visa.
- Holders of Canadian official or diplomatic passports.


- Canadian nationals: USD 100
Amount is subject to change in accordance to reciprocity towards argentine nationals applying for canadian visas.

Entrances allowed:

Payment of fee will be valid as a requirement for entrance into Argentina as it follows:
- Canadian nationals: multiple entrances for up to 10 years since first entrance or up to 1 month before the expiry date of the passport.

Immigration rates

The National Immigration Office charges the “Reciprocity Fee” by the “Provincia NET” payment – system through credit card,  which is the only way to pay the “Reciprocity Fee”.

How can I pay the Reciprocity Rates?

1. Enter the web site of Provincia NET (Press “Continue”) and register to start the process.


2. Complete the form with the corresponding personal and Credit Card information. This will be received online by the National Immigration Agency (DNM) along with the entry code number.

3. Print the payment receipt.

4. On arrival in Argentina, this printed receipt must be presented at the Immigration Control.

5. The receipt will be scanned by the Immigration officials, the information checked, and your entry to the country duly registered.



Updated date: 10/07/2017